
Benitachell, Briefly

Standing out for its beautiful coast line and its tranquility, Benitachell (in Valencian and officially El Poble Nou de Benitatxell) is located in the Marina Alta region, almost at half-way between Valencia and Alicante. The silhouette of the urban core, located on the top of a small hill and crowned by the church, can be seen from miles away.


The village offers residents and visitors a peaceful daily life, that nevertheless enjoys permanent activities, a rich cultural, associative and festive life, which is increasing with the arrival of warm weather. Mild temperatures determine the annual calendar and the wind named the Llebeig regularly brings fresh air which, especially in summer, is very well received. Hence saying to El Poble Nou de Benitatxell, frescoreta i moscatell in honour to the wind and the indigenous cultivation of Muscat grape in the area.

Surrounding Landscape and Places to See

El Poble Nou de Benitatxell is a village with seaside and countryside. In its rural settings with the typical terraced landscape, is still preserving native species such as vine, carob and almond. However, in the spectacular coastline stand out, for its beauty and magnificence, unique natural spaces. The geological movements have created unique formations in the area such as Riu Blanc; a magnificent panoramic view by the Penya-segats (cliffs) of the Marina and landmarks created by tectonic movements and the erosion of the sea such as the failure of the Moraig, la Cova dels Arcs and the Basenilla. All these amazing natural icons for visitors.

The failure of the Moraig is a spectacular near-vertical rock wall. The polished appearance and stretch marks were formed by the friction of tectonic plates, indicating the direction of the geological movement, which originated it. The failure seems to be suspended in the air above a pond, which in its interior hide the underwater entrance to the Riu Blanc. The uniqueness of this surprising geological figure in the Valencian coastline and its protection, led the consistory in 2013 to request for declaration as a Natural Monument of Cultural interest.

The Cove dels Arcs is located at the entrance of Cala Moraig. This cave carved by the sea is one of the best examples of drainage of a karstic system that has gone from continental or coastal conditions to underwater. Currently, it is an emblematic symbol on the Valencian coast, since from inside, on days of calm sea, you can see the entrance of light by two large arches and a hole on the top. This cavity was initially developed in subareas conditions and flooded during the last rise of the sea level (approx. 6,000 years ago). Since then the Cova dels Arcs has been subjected to the erosive action of the waves and the dissolution of marine water on limestone rocks, which have given rise to the current presence of this unique cave.



The typical gastronomy of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell maintains the most traditional flavours, the essence of its past. Simple delights that refer to its location between the sea and the interior; fishing and agriculture, salted and sweet reminiscences of Arab. Local recipes has been passed from generation to generation as well as its mode of cooking in wood-fired ovens, kneaded and cooked with the traditional utensils. Fish, vegetables, mediterranean products collected in the particular garden and served with the utmost dedication. There is no shortage of products that define the local identity such as artisan wine and Moraig white wine, the beans in spring and the muscatel grape in summer.

Cover image and more info about Benitachell: the official tourists page of the village

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